
BankMed (Suisse) SA becomes Banque Des Monts Blancs


Geneva, January 31, 2025: BankMed (Suisse) SA, a private bank established in Geneva since 1985, takes another step in its transformation journey initiated in 2023 by becoming Banque Des Monts Blancs SA.

"The Monts Blancs, our new emblem, symbolize endurance, strength, and stability. Like the snow-capped peaks, our bank positions itself as a reliable partner, financially robust and ready to support our clients wherever they are located" explains the bank's CEO, Antoine Raphaël.

Improved Client Services

Since its inception, BankMed (Suisse) SA has stood out for its financial stability, personalized services, and its ability to forge strong relationships with its clients, families, and entrepreneurs, originating from or with strong ties to the Mediterranean region, a dynamic and vibrant area since ancient times.

"Becoming Banque Des Monts Blancs is much more than a simple name change," emphasizes Antoine Raphaël. 
"It illustrates our commitment to being a steadfast pillar of support, offering customized and tailored financial services to meet the needs of our private and commercial clients while operating within the stable and secure framework of a Swiss private bank."

A Future-Driven Transformation

The years 2023 and 2024 marked a pivotal turning point for the bank, which underwent a comprehensive repositioning and restructuring. "The changing financial markets, evolving client needs, and regulatory landscape underscores the necessity of maintaining a flexible and responsive organization. Our close relationships with clients of all generations, combined with our human-scale structure, empower us to foster this agility," continues Antoine Raphaël. "This new identity embodies the bank’s strategy to constantly innovate and deliver state-of-the-art banking services while ensuring a high standard of service quality."
With this new name and renewed identity, Banque Des Mont Blancs positions itself as a key player in the Swiss banking sector for its niche clientele. It is ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow while remaining true to its Mediterranean roots and values.

Download the press release.




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Banque Des Monts Blancs SA
Rue du Mont-Blanc 3
1211 Geneva – Suisse

Adresse postale :
Banque Des Monts Blancs SA
P.O. Box 1523
1211 Genève 1 – Suisse

+41 22 906 06 07